Leak Reduction Initiative

A proactive approach to reducing leaks over the lifetime of commercial refrigeration systems.

Supermarket refrigeration is one of the leading sources of super-polluting hydrofluorocarbon refrigerant (HFC) emissions. Together with NASRC, U.S. supermarkets are taking steps to characterize and proactively reduce refrigerant leaks over the lifespan of refrigeration systems.

This free guide outlines the information gathered from NASRC retailer members on the major sources of refrigerant leaks in existing refrigeration systems and the proposed equipment specification measures to resolve these issues to minimize greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from refrigerant leaks.

Guide Highlights

  • How refrigerant leaks negatively impact the climate and supermarkets

  • Top leak issues in cases, fixtures, machine rooms, racks, and condensers

  • Proposed solutions to leak issues

  • Additional resources to help retailers address leak issues